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IR Contacts

For recent financial information or to request literature, please call our IR Hotline at 877-942-4200.

Individual Shareholder Inquiries

Please contact our transfer agent Computershare Investor Services:
Within the U.S. or Canada: 877-309-9856
Non-US: 312-588-4991

Computershare Investor Services can help with questions regarding individual shareholder accounting records (address changes, lost stock certificate, etc.)

Agilent Technologies

Investor Relations
5301 Stevens Creek Blvd. MS 1A-IR
Santa Clara, CA 95051
E-mail Us
General Inquiries: 408-345-8862

Agilent Technologies Investor Relations Team

Parmeet Ahuja

Parmeet Ahuja

VP of Investor Relations


Mark Meehan

Director of Investor Relations


Lisa Davis

Business Process Administrator